The ride was delightful and interesting but as I approached the scenic highway turn-off, I could see the now-familiar low hanging fog at the mountain tops. I stopped at a fast food place in Mena, AR where I noticed about 40 or more bikes with lots of riders visiting in groups. I approached one group and learned that they were locals from Little Rock, AR on a "Bike for Cancer" fundraiser and headed on the same scenic highway. When I asked about the apparent fog -- they assured me it would be completedly fogged and many degrees colder, but invited me to "fall in" with them as they were going anyway. With memories of the Blue Ridge Mountain fog still very unfoggy in my mind, I declined and sought out an alternate route. My Blue Ridge experience reminded me that scenic routes in the fog are not scenic!

I then routed myself to a nearby town of De Queen, AR and using my usual indicator for a good restaurant (lots of pickups in the parking lot) I found another great place to eat. And, as I studied the maps, I realized that I wasn't far from Texarkana, AR which I thought to be close to a "cabin" owned by one of my younger brothers and his wife. I called them to learn that I was within 24 miles of their place. I had only ever seen the place in photos -- so that gave me another fun destination. They offered to let me stay -- but I wanted to get some more miles in today. With their directions and my trusty GPS, it was an easy find and I took some photos, including this one.
I've made a mental note to see if Deb and I can stay at the place when we get a chance to do a cross-country car trip which is also on the bucket list. It looked like a great get-a-away spot.
I then did some fast figuring with my plan to visit friends tomorrow in the Fort Worth, TX area and finished out 292 miles before finding a convenient motel.
Another fun day even if I didn't get to see the "scenic" road.
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